Monday, August 6, 2012

Eat right to make yourself naturally beautiful

We cannot harp enough on the fact that you don’t need to rub all those chemicals into your skin to look pretty. Your kitchens hold the largest treasure trove of all the beauty products you could ever need. In this blog we have listed some of the common beauty problems and shown you how your kitchen is the best beautician.

Beauty problem: Weak or thinning hair
What to eat: Whole grains

Whole grains such as brown rice and oats are rich in essential B vitamins including biotin (B7), which can help alleviate hair loss and brittle hair. They are also a good source of silica, which can help reduce hair breakage. Try to eat a variety of whole grains (opting for those that are as close to their natural state as possible) for healthy, strong and shiny hair.

Beauty problem: Dark under-eye circles
What to eat: Spinach

There are many causes of dark circles under the eyes, including heredity, fatigue and anaemia. However, one of the reasons for dark circles can be poor circulation. To address this try to up your intake of vitamins K and C, which help to boost circulation and strengthen capillary walls. Dark, leafy greens such as spinach are good sources of these nutrients.

Beauty problem: Dry skin
What to eat: Nuts and seeds

Nuts and seeds are a great source of vitamin E, which can help the skin to retain its natural moisture levels and stay soft and hydrated. Opt for flaxseeds or walnuts for maximum skin benefits, as these are also rich in skin-saving omega-3 fatty acids, which can help to keep dry skin at bay.

Beauty problem: Stained teeth
What to eat: Crunchy fruit and vegetables

The most important steps for getting perfect white teeth are maintaining good oral health standards (brushing, flossing and regularly visiting the dentist) and cutting down on cigarettes and teeth-staining foods and drinks. However, crunchy fruits and vegetables such as apples, celery and carrots can also help to whiten teeth. The abrasiveness of these crunchy foods can help to give your teeth a post-meal clean, removing bacteria and lifting stains from your teeth.

Beauty problem: Chapped lips
What to eat: Yogurt and oatmeal smoothie

Cracked, flaky lips can affect us all from time to time, but if you find yourself suffering regularly from chapped lips it could be a sign of vitamin B deficiency. The B vitamin complex helps to nourish the skin and keep it healthy. Yogurt and oats help to keep chapped lips hydrated. Oats and yogurt are also good sources of zinc, which can help sore, cracked lips to heal more quickly.

Beauty problem: Under-eye bags
What to eat: Avocado

If you’re suffering from a puffy face or under-eye bags, it could be that you’re experiencing fluid retention. Luckily, this can be overcome through your diet by redressing your balance of sodium and potassium. Try cutting back on salt and increase your intake of potassium-rich foods such as avocado and banana. Avocado is also rich in healthy fatty acids which will help to keep the skin soft and supple and reduce inflammation.

Beauty problem: Wrinkles
What to eat: Oily fish

To help keep skin supple and wrinkle-free, make sure you are getting a sufficient amount of omega-3 fatty acids. Omega-3 fatty acids help to keep skin nourished from within; prevent dehydration and dryness; boost the skin’s collagen production; help to prevent the formation of fine lines and wrinkles. If you are not a fan of oily fish, other good sources of omega-3 include flaxseeds and walnuts.

Beauty problem: Acne
What to eat: Garlic

Garlic is not only a great heart-healthy super-food; it is also good for helping to keep your skin clear and acne-free. With its natural antibiotic, blood cleansing, immune boosting and antibacterial properties, garlic can help fight against the bacteria responsible for acne, while its anti-inflammatory properties can reduce the swelling and inflammation.

Beauty problem: Weak, brittle nails
What to eat: Egg yolk

Research has suggested that upping your intake of biotin (vitamin B7) can help to improve the firmness and strength of nails and reduce brittleness, while studies have also suggested that deficiencies in iron and zinc can lead to nail abnormalities. To strengthen your nails, try consuming more egg yolk-rich foods such as omelettes and pancakes, which are rich in these essential nutrients. Eggs are also a great source of protein, which is essential for healthy nail growth.

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