Monday, May 16, 2011

Could eating organic be the best kept weight loss secret?

Let’s embark on a myth busting session today. Often, people distraught with weight issues will look at all possible solutions except hitting the gym and sweating it out. Amongst the other internet surfed “short cuts” opting for organic is one of the solutions people zero in on. Pardon me for shattering your hopes but eating organic does not make you lose weight. What happens is this.

The most important contribution of organic is giving you a healthier lifestyle. The other side of the spectrum, however, is recent research pointing to the growing production and consumption of genetically modified foods as the root cause for the current weight problem across the globe.

If you ask how that is harmful, then you don’t watch enough Discovery!  Pesticides, growth hormones, artificial flavoring, herbicides, and any other man made chemical that we ingest are to an extent responsible for the obesity scare plaguing God’s earth. These have already been linked to cause cancer, now they are being blamed for obesity throughout various studies.

You know what is scarier? That humanity has only expanded its knowledge base and should know better! How it is that obesity has only skyrocketed despite the introduction of healthier, on-the-go, low fat foods?  Weren't these products made to help lower weight gain? Is it a coincidence that obesity and cancer rates have grown in unison? Why?  How? (Writer calms down and resumes writing)

Fifty years ago, hormones, preservatives, and pesticides were not used to beautify the food we now eat. Our bodies were never designed to either utilise these for energy or get rid of them. The easiest thing for the body to do is dump all this in the fat tissues. These dumped toxins can then even alter the natural properties of the fat, making it harder for your body to burn it off (God does have a nasty sense of humour).

Eating organic prevents this deadly cycle to begin by eliminating the fat-depositing demons from even entering our bodies. Naturally higher in nutrients, organic food is not only easier to break down by our digestive system but are also substantially tasty. They also aid the fat to be metabolised into fuel and not add to the hip size. In simple terms, eat real food. If money is a concern and you simply cannot afford to buy organic groceries, follow one simple rule – “If you can’t pronounce the ingredients, don’t eat it.”

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